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                                 ***Security Monitoring***



CompuNET provides Security Monitoring and Update services. As the need to utilize the Internet increases so does the risk of security breaches and virus infection. It is imperative to maintain adequate tools to combat these dangers. Our services include providing security and upgrade information pertinent to your network and workstation operating systems, providing up-to-date virus signature files, and "ethical cracking" services.

Ethical Cracking (or Hacking) is a process of trying to break into your network just as a cracker would. The procedures are non-destructive and are designed to highlight weaknesses in your network security such as easily deciphered user passwords.

Contact us at: info @ compunetmaine.com or (207) 743-8474 for more information regarding our service offerings. In the meantime feel free to utilize our links page to learn more about security, and virus issues.